This year’s 2024 season starts May 2nd and is held every other Thursday night through September. Check club calendar for dates. Registration is at 5:30 – 5:45 PM.
Range Rules for All Handgun and Rifle Events
We will be running a cold range. That means all firearms are to be unloaded and are not to be handled unless under the supervision of a range officer. You should arrived at the event with unloaded firearm and firearm should be in a case.
1. All firearms are to be unloaded and contained in a case when in the handgun and rifle event area, unless under the supervision of a range office at a loading table. You may transfer your handgun to a holster while under the supervision of a range office. You may then carry your unloaded handgun in the holster while in the shooting area, handgun will remain in holster until you are again under the supervision of a range officer.
2. You may handle magazines and ammunition at any time in the shooting area. Having magazines loaded will help keep the ranges active with less down time.
3. When handling your firearm always be aware of your muzzle direction. Muzzle of firearm should always be pointed down range when casing and uncasing firearm, loading or unloading, and when engaging targets.
4. Finger should remain outside of the trigger guard when loading, unloading, when handling your firearm. Finger should only be in the trigger guard when actively engaging targets.
Mandatory safety meeting is at 6:00 pm and the match begins after that.
Shoot four stages with a total round count around 100 to 110 rounds. The round count PER stage will vary from 16 to 32 rounds. You will possibly shoot at paper targets, poppers, drop turners, max traps, swingers, Texas star, polish plate rack and what ever else that may be thought of for safe targets. You can pre-register on Search SHFC Action Pistol at and you should be able to find the match. We use USPSA targets, scoring and rules. Come on out and have some fun. This is the perfect opportunity for a new person that wants to get started in action pistol or PCC shooting. We are a group of friendly and helpful people trying to improve their skills. If you are a thinking about this type of shooting show up with what equipment you have and join in. Cost $10.00 Questions contact
If you have never been to a USPSA shoot, don’t worry. If you like to shoot, we will help you through the course-of-fire safely and make it an enjoyable time. You draw from your holster and move though the course of fire shooting at targets as they become visible. You don’t need a special gun, although using a six shot revolver or a small carry gun on a 32 round stage will require a lot of reloading. You may also use a Pistol Caliber Carbine/Rifle (PCC), which fires a pistol caliber round such as the 9mm, which is the most popular. Equipment needed is a strong side holster*, chamber flag and gun case for PCC, mag holders, and enough mags to get through a 32 round stage. Be prepared for “make up shots” in case you miss a target, so carrying extra rounds is advisable.
* Cross draw and shoulder holsters are strictly prohibited. Law Enforcement issued leg holsters may be worn by the person it was issued to for duty use.
Sparta Hunting and Fishing Club runs a cold range, which means that no loaded firearms may be carried during the match in the competitor or parking area, unless under the supervision of a range officer. All unloaded firearms may be carried in a holster or case. Only in the safe table area you may handle your firearm, check function, and transfer it from case to holster and vice versa. Handling ammunition in the safe table area is strictly prohibited. Magazines and speed loaders may be handled anywhere except the safe table area.