Please download and complete the membership application by using the link below. Please note that all signed membership applications need to be accompanied by a check with the amount indicated on the membership form. Applications can be either mailed to the Club’s P.O. Box or dropped off on Thursday or Sunday during regular Trap Shooting hours. Annual Associate Membership Fee is $100. Once you become a Full Member the Annual Fee is $25. Any applications submitted in August or later are prorated to include the remainder of the current year as well as next year’s membership fee.
Depending on the when you apply for membership you need select the right application:
January through July
If applying AFTER the December club meeting (meeting is on the first Tuesday of December) CLICK HERE for the annual application.
August through December
If applying AFTER the August club meeting (meeting is on the first Tuesday of August) CLICK HERE for the prorated application. Prorated means you will be paying for the remainder of the year and for next year at the same time.

General Membership Benefits:
- 50 – 100 yrd Covered Bench Rifle Range
- 7 – 25 – 50 yrd Covered Bench Handgun Range
- 30 Station Archery 3-D Course
- 3 Trap Fields for Single and Doubles and Wobble Trapshooting
- ATA Registered Trap Shoots
- 25 Target 5 Stand Sporting Clays Course
- Outdoor Archery League
- Winter Trap League
- Winter Sporting Clays League
- Host IAA Archery Qualifier Tournament and State Shoots
- Spring Turkey Shoot (3rd Sunday May)
- Fall Turkey Shoot (3rd Sunday Sept.)
- Michigan DNR Hunter Safety Classes
- Sponsor ATA / AIM Youth Trapshooting Teams
- Sponsor Sportsmen Against Hunger Food Drive for Gods Kitchen and North Kent Services
- Sponsor 2 Full Members Children to MUCC Youth Camp each Year
- Sponsor Sparta Little League Teams
- Access to a Small Lake for Fishing
- USPSA Practice Nights