The 3D Course is Open to the Public on Wednesday evenings. Check in at the Archery Shack between 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm. On Sundays, check in at the club house, 10 am – Noon.
Club Members – please remember the 3D Course is open on an “Honor System”. Please fill out the envelopes available at the Archery Shack and deposit your daily shooting fee in the drop tube. This fee is used to maintain the course and buy new targets.
3D Course Daily Fees are:
- Member Single: $6.00
- Member Family: $8.00
- Non-Member Single: $9.00
- Non-Member Family: $12.00
- All Youth 9 to 16 Years of Age: $3.00
Contact: Sue or Jim Blackall at 616-460-2325 or